Updated in 2018, the Nevada Academic Content Standards for Fine Arts encompass five disciplines: Visual Arts, Music, Theater, Dance, and Media Arts, and are predicated on a belief that Artistic Literacy provides students with an ability to create, present, critique, and connect art to their academic studies, lives, and the world around them.
An independent set of media arts standards to support the integration of artistic literacy in the areas of film, animation, gaming and computational artmaking (e.g., writing software code) to supplement existing standards in the area of digital communication across the curriculum.
An independent set of media arts standards to support the integration of artistic literacy in the areas of film, animation, gaming and computational artmaking (e.g., writing software code) to supplement existing standards in the area of digital communication across the curriculum.
Music Education, Professional Development,
and Curriculum and Instruction Resources
and Curriculum and Instruction Resources
Many Clark County School District curriculum syllabi are in the process of being revised.
A standards-based, sequential music curriculum is vital to ensure that all who are involved in the education process can be familiarized with what students are expected to learn and what educators are expected to teach. Music Education Consultants, Inc. works with school districts nationwide to help develop their own comprehensive, standards-based curriculum documents as well as separate articulation documents which sequence the lessons appropriately so that an aligned comprehensive curriculum is provided. Specific curricular areas include the following.
EXAMPLES: K-12 MUSIC Pacing Guide: Lincoln (NE) Public Schools: https://bit.ly/4bxpnBA