.doc Version of original R&R Guide
Charlie's Recommended Edits for Marcia to Review:
Marcia's Recommended Edits for Charlie to Review:
Charlie, We will start on the Retention part of the book at our next meeting.
FINAL Revisions from BOTH Marcia's & Charlie's Edits:
Some of the Examples provided in this page 5 revision are available to view below under "Shared Ideas"
Shared Ideas (Videos/JPGs) to Use (Potentially)
Signing Day: https://youtu.be/DQe-DxwcZ18
First Performance: Short Video: https://youtu.be/lk0xiAjwaGU Extended Video: https://youtu.be/ZxTxchLCCPI Foothill HS Holiday Card: https://youtu.be/YvxSTvL3D0I There is a Place: Foothill HS Band: https://youtu.be/MMdHJHX7Xa4 Feature student achievements on S.M.: https://youtu.be/II_znS7pbRE “Why Stay in Band” Student-made Video: https://youtu.be/j_3KfZIctsI Engage the Parents—Create a Parent Band for the spring concert: https://youtu.be/zeo_VwHdsDE Student "poster" examples: